Crystal sickness

Crystal sickness, or benign position dizziness, means that small crystals have failed in the ear’s balance organs. They then affect the balance organ and, among other things, cause severe dizziness and you feel unsteady when trying to walk. Crystal sickness is unpleasant – but harmless – and often goes away by itself. Read more about crystal disease here.

Symptoms of crystal disease

Crystal sickness causes severe dizziness when you move your head in a certain way, for example when you turn your head in some direction or bend forward. You may also experience sudden eye movements and nausea as well as vomiting.

The dizziness often comes suddenly, for example, when you turn your head in bed. Sometimes you may wake up from the dizziness itself, even though you have been quite good the night before. The dizziness comes off. An attack usually lasts between 10 and 30 seconds, but can last for up to two minutes.

Causes of crystal disease

Why some people get crystal sick is not entirely clear. One cause may be changed in the balance organ in the inner ear that occurs with age or in connection with a head injury, such as concussion. It is also older people who usually get crystal sick.

When you touch the head, information is sent to the brain about the position of the head via wave movements in the inner ear’s balance organ. Small inner crystals are also found in the inner ear. If the crystals loosen, they tease the sensory cells in the balance organ, causing you to become dizzy.

Half of those who have had crystal disease get it again. Usually, it’s not as difficult as the first time – mainly because you know it’s not dangerous.

What you can do for yourself

It is important that you seek care when you suffer from sudden dizziness. Dizziness is often harmless, but in some cases, it can be a sign of serious illness.

If you have been diagnosed with crystal disease and have problems with sudden eye movements, it can help to close your eyes. When you feel dizzy, it helps to fix your eyes on a point far away to get rid of the dizziness.

Treatment of crystal disease

It is important that you seek care when you suffer from sudden dizziness. Dizziness is often harmless, but in some cases, it can be a sign of serious illness.

If you have been diagnosed with crystal disease and have problems with sudden eye movements, it can help to close your eyes. When you feel dizzy, it helps to fix your eyes on a point far away to get rid of the dizziness.

Then you should seek care

Seek care if you have any dizziness that has come suddenly. You should also seek care if you have been diagnosed and exercise program, but still, have trouble after two weeks. It is always important to know the cause of the dizziness.

So APPOTEK can help

APPOTEK can’t help with crystal sickness. Contact your regular health care provider.


Erika Elden Alwan, play. doctor, a specialist in ear-nose-throat diseases Kristina Bergstrand, a specialist in general medicine